Command-Line Arguments

So far, the programs we have considered have not worked with user input. More interesting programs, however, incorporate behavior that responds to user input. We will see two mechanisms for passing input to a program: command-line arguments and standard input.

Command-line arguments are arguments that are passed to a program when it is invoked from a shell or terminal. As an example, consider the following command:

$ g++ -Wall -O1 -std=c++17 -pedantic test.cpp –o test

Here, g++ is the program we are invoking, and the arguments tell g++ what to do. For instance, the -Wall argument tells the g++ compiler to warn about any potential issues in the code, -O1 tells the compiler to use optimization level 1, and so on.

Command-line arguments are passed to the program through arguments to main(). The main() function may have zero parameters, in which case the command-line arguments are discarded. It can also have two parameters [1], so the signature has the following form:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]);

The first argument is the number of command-line arguments passed to the program, and it is conventionally named argc. The second, conventionally named argv, contains each command-line argument as a C-style string. An array parameter is actually a pointer parameter, so the following signature is equivalent:

int main(int argc, char **argv);

Thus, the second parameter is a pointer to the first element of an array, each element of which is a pointer to the start of a C-style string, as shown in Figure 32.


Figure 32 Representation of command-line arguments.

The command-line arguments also include the name of the program as the first argument – this is often used in printing out error messages from the program.

We recommend converting command-line arguments to std::string before working with them, as it is less error-prone than working with C-style strings directly.

As an example, the following program takes an arbitrary number of integral arguments and computes their sum:

#include <iostream>
#include <string> // for string type and stoi() function

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int sum = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
    string arg = argv[i];
    sum += stoi(argv[i]);
  cout << "sum is " << sum << endl;

The first argument is skipped, since it is the program name. Each remaining argument is converted to an int by the stoi() function, which takes a string as the argument and returns the integer that it represents. For example, stoi("123") returns the number 123 as an int.

The following is an example of running the program:

$ ./sum.exe 2 4 6 8 10
sum is 30

Input and Output (I/O)

User input can also be obtained through standard input, which receives data that a user types into the console. In C++, the cin stream reads data from standard input. Data is extracted into an object using the extraction operator >>, and the extraction interprets the raw character data according to the target data type. For example, the following code extracts to string, which extracts individual words that are separated by whitespace:

string word;
while (cin >> word) {
  cout << "word = '" << word << "'" << endl;

The extraction operation evaluates to the cin stream, which has a truth value – if the extraction succeeds, it is true, but if the extraction fails, the truth value is false. Thus, the loop above will continue as long as extraction succeeds.

The following is an example of the program:

$ ./words.exe
hello world!
word = 'hello'
word = 'world!'
word = 'goodbye'

The program only receives input after the user presses the enter key. The first line the user entered contains two words, each of which gets printed out. Then the program waits for more input. Another word is entered, so the program reads and prints it out. Finally, the user in this example inputs an end-of-file character – on Unix-based systems, the sequence Ctrl-d enters an end of file, while Ctrl-z does so on Windows systems. The end-of-file marker denotes the end of a stream, so extracting from cin fails at that point, ending the loop above.

The program above prints output to standard output, represented by the cout stream. The insertion operator << inserts the text representation of a value into an output stream.

I/O Redirection

Shells allow input redirection, which passes the data from a file to standard input rather than reading from the keyboard. For instance, if the file contains the data:

hello world!

Then using the < symbol before the filename redirects the file to standard input at the command line:

$ ./words.exe <
word = 'hello'
word = 'world!'
word = 'goodbye'

A file has an implicit end of file at the end of its data, and the program terminates upon reaching the end of the file.

We can also do output redirection, where the shell writes the contents of standard output to a file. The symbol for output redirection is >:

$ ./words.exe > result.out
hello world!
$ cat result.out
word = 'hello'
word = 'world!'
word = 'goodbye'

Here, we redirect the output to the file result.out. We then enter input from the keyboard, ending with the Ctrl-d sequence. When the program ends, we use the cat command to display the contents of result.out.

Input and output redirection can also be used together:

$ ./words.exe < > result.out
$ cat result.out
word = 'hello'
word = 'world!'
word = 'goodbye'

Example: Adding Integers

Using standard input, we can write a program that adds up integers entered by a user. The program will terminate either upon reaching an end of file or if the user types in the word done:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>   // for stoi()

using namespace std;

int main() {
  int sum = 0;
  cout << "Enter some numbers to sum." << endl
  string word;
  while (cin >> word && word != "done") {
    sum += stoi(word);
  cout << "sum is " << sum << endl;

The code extracts to a string so that it can be compared to the string "done". (The latter is a C-style string, but C++ strings can be compared with C-style strings using the built-in comparison operators.)

The following is an example of running the program:

$ ./sum
Enter some numbers to sum.
sum is 12

An alternate version of the program extracts directly to an int. However, it can only be terminated by an end of file or other failed extraction:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  int sum = 0;
  cout << "Enter some numbers to sum." << endl
  int number;
  while (cin >> number) {
    sum += number;
  cout << "sum is " << sum << endl;

File I/O

A program can also read and write files directly using file streams. It must include the <fstream> header, and it can then use an ifstream to read from a file and an ofstream to write to a file. The former supports the same interface as cin, while the latter has the same interface as cout.

An ifstream object can be created from a file name:

string filename = "";
ifstream fin(filename);

Alternatively, the ifstream object can be created without a file name, and then its open() function can be given the name of the file to open:

string filename = "";
ifstream fin;;

In general, a program should check if the file was successfully opened, regardless of the mechanism used to create the ifstream:

if (!fin.is_open()) {
  cout << "open failed" << endl;
  return 1;

Once we’ve determined the file is open, we can read from it like cin. The following program reads individual words from the file and prints them:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  string filename = "";
  ifstream fin;;
  if (!fin.is_open()) {
    cout << "open failed" << endl;
    return 1;
  string word;
  while (fin >> word) {
    cout << "word = '" << word << "'" << endl;
  fin.close();  // optional

The program closes the file before exiting. Doing so explicitly is optional – it will happen automatically at the end of the ifstream object’s lifetime (e.g. when it goes out of scope if it is a local variable).

Best practice is to extract from an input stream, whether it is cin or an ifstream, in the test of a loop or conditional. That way, the test will evaluate to false if the extraction fails. The following examples all print the last word twice because they do not check for failure between extracting and printing a word:

while (! {
  fin >> word;
  cout << word;

while (fin.good()) {
  fin >> word;
  cout << word;

while (!fin.eof()) {
  fin >> word;
  cout << word;

while (fin) {
  fin >> word;
  cout << word;

The following is printed when using any of the loops above:

$ ./main.exe

Multiple extractions can be placed in the test of a loop by chaining them. The test evaluates to true when all extractions succeed. For example, the following reads two words at a time:

string word1, word2;
while (fin >> word1 >> word2) {
  cout << "word1 = '" << word1 << "'" << endl;
  cout << "word2 = '" << word2 << "'" << endl;

For, only the first two words are printed, since the test will fail in the second iteration when it tries to read a fourth word:

$ ./main.exe
word1 = 'hello'
word2 = 'world!'

An entire line can be read using the getline() function, which takes in an input stream and a target string (by reference) and returns whether or not reading the line succeeded. If so, the target string will contain the full line read:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  string filename = "hello.txt";
  ifstream fin;;
  if (!fin.is_open()) {
    cout << "open failed" << endl;
    return 1;
  string line;
  while (getline(fin, line)) {
    cout << "line = '" << line << "'" << endl;

For, this will result in:

$ ./main.exe
line = 'hello world!'
line = 'goodbye'

An ofstream works similarly to an ifstream, except that it is used for printing output to a file. The following program prints data to the file output.txt:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  const int SIZE = 4;
  int data[SIZE] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
  string filename = "output.txt";
  ofstream fout;;
  if (!fout.is_open()) {
    cout << "open failed" << endl;
    return 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    fout << "data[" << i << "] = " << data[i] << endl;
  fout.close();  // optional

The following shows the resulting data in output.txt:

$ cat output.txt
data[0] = 1
data[1] = 2
data[2] = 3
data[3] = 4

More on Streams

Previously, we learned about the standard input and output streams, as well as file streams. We examine the relationship between streams more closely now, as well as how to write unit tests using string streams.

A stream is an abstraction over a source of input, from which we can read data, or a sink of output, to which we can write data. Streams support the abstraction of character-based input and output over many underlying resources, including the console, files, the network, strings, and so on.

In C++, input streams generally derive from istream [2]. We will see what this means specifically when we look at inheritance and polymorphism in the future. For our purposes right now, this means that we can pass different kinds of input-stream objects to a function that takes in a reference to an istream. Similarly, output streams generally derive from ostream, and we can pass different kinds of output-stream objects to a function that takes in a reference to an ostream.


Figure 33 Relationships between different kinds of input and output streams.

To write data into an output stream, we use the insertion operator <<. The actual data written out depends on both the value itself as well as its type. For instance, if we use a string as the right-hand-side operand, the insertion operation will write the characters from the string into the stream:

int i = 123;
cout << i;           // writes the characters 123
double d = 12.3;
cout << d;           // writes the characters 12.3
char c = 'c';
cout << c;           // writes the character c
string s = "Hello";
cout << s;           // writes the characters Hello

Expressions that apply an operator generally evaluate to a value. In the case of stream insertion, the result is the actual stream object itself. This allows us to chain insertion operations:

cout << i << d << endl;
// equivalent to ((cout << i) << d) << endl;
//                 ^^^^^^^^^
//       evaluates back to the cout object

To read data from an input stream, we use the extraction operator >>, with an object on the right-hand side. The characters are interpreted according to the type of the object. For built-in types, whitespace is generally skipped when extracting.

char c;
cin >> c;   // reads a single character; does not skip whitespace
string s;
cout >> s;  // reads in one "word", delimited by whitespace
int i;
cin >> i;   // attempts to parse the next characters as an integer value
double d;
cin >> d;   // attempts to parse the next characters as a floating-point value

As with the insertion operator, an expression that applies the extraction operator evaluates back to the stream itself, allowing extraction operations to be chained:

cin >> c >> s >> i >> d;

String Streams

When writing unit tests, we often want the tests to be standalone without requiring access to external data. For tests that work with streams, we can use string streams rather than standard input/output or file streams. To use a string stream, we #include <sstream>. We can then use an istringstream as an input stream, and an ostringstream as an output stream.

The following is an example of using an istringstream to represent input data for testing a function that takes in an input stream:

TEST(test_image_basic) {
  // A hardcoded PPM image
  string input = "P3\n2 2\n255\n255 0 0 0 255 0 \n";
  input += "0 0 255 255 255 255 \n";

  // Use istringstream for simulated input
  istringstream ss_input(input);
  Image *img = new Image;
  Image_init(img, ss_input);

  ASSERT_EQUAL(Image_width(img), 2);
  Pixel red = { 255, 0, 0 };
  ASSERT_TRUE(Pixel_equal(Image_get_pixel(img, 0, 0), red));
  delete img;

We start with a string that contains the actual input data and then construct an istringstream from that. We can then pass that istringstream object to a function that has a parameter of type istream &. When that function extracts data, the result will be the data from the string we used to construct the istringstream.

We can similarly use an ostringstream to test a function that takes an output stream:

TEST(test_matrix_basic) {
  Matrix *mat = new Matrix;
  Matrix_init(mat, 3, 3);
  Matrix_fill(mat, 0);
  Matrix_fill_border(mat, 1);

  // Hardcoded correct output
  string output_correct = "3 3\n1 1 1 \n1 0 1 \n1 1 1 \n";

  // Capture output in ostringstream
  ostringstream ss_output;
  Matrix_print(mat, ss_output);
  ASSERT_EQUAL(ss_output.str(), output_correct);
  delete mat;

We default construct an ostringstream object and pass it to a function with a parameter of type ostream &. The ostringstream will internally capture the data that the function inserts into it. We can then call .str() on the ostringstream to obtain a string that contains that data, which we can then compare to another string that contains the expected output.