Containers of Pointers
Recall the linked-list class template we defined previously:
template <typename T>
class List {
void empty() const;
T & front();
void push_front(const T &datum);
void pop_front();
void push_back(const T &datum);
void pop_back();
struct Node {
T datum;
Node *prev;
Node *next;
Node *first;
Node *last;
We declared the parameters of push_front()
and push_back()
be passed by reference, avoiding making a copy of the argument value.
However, a Node
stores a value of type T
, so a copy is made
when a node is created:
template <typename T>
void List<T>::push_back(const T &datum) {
Node *node = new Node{ datum, last, nullptr };
With this in mind, consider the following example that inserts local objects into a list:
int main() {
Llama paul("Paul");
Llama carl("Carl");
List<Llama> todo;
for (auto &llama : todo) {
The code creates two local Llama
objects and inserts them into a
list. It then iterates over the list to feed each llama. However, as
shown in Figure 99, the llamas in the list are
copies of the local objects, so feeding them does not affect the
original llamas, which go hungry.
Figure 99 Inserting objects into a container creates copies of those objects.
We can use indirection to avoid making a copy, storing pointers to llamas in a list rather than llamas themselves:
int main() {
Llama paul("Paul");
Llama carl("Carl");
List<Llama *> todo;
for (auto lptr : todo) {
The code iterates over the list by value rather than by reference;
however, the values are pointers, so they still indirectly refer to
the appropriate Llama
objects when they are copied.
Figure 100 illustrates the result in memory. Our
llamas are properly fed and no longer go hungry.
Figure 100 Storing pointers in a container.
By storing pointers in a container, we avoid making copies of the underlying objects.
Containers of pointers are also useful for keeping track of multiple
orderings of the same objects. For instance, we may want to store our
llamas both in order of age as well as alphabetically by name. The
following code creates Llama
objects in dynamic memory and stores
pointers to them in two different lists:
int main() {
List<Llama *> by_age;
by_age.push_back(new Llama("Paul"));
by_age.push_back(new Llama("Carl"));
List<Llama *> by_name;
Figure 101 shows the resulting storage.
Figure 101 Two containers that store pointers to the same objects.
The code above, however, has a memory leak; the destructors for the
lists only free the memory for the Node
objects, so the Llama
objects do not get deleted. We need to manually delete them before the
lists that we are using to track them go away:
int main() {
List<Llama *> by_age;
by_age.push_back(new Llama("Paul"));
by_age.push_back(new Llama("Carl"));
List<Llama *> by_name;
for (auto llama : by_age) {
delete llama;
for (auto llama : by_name) {
delete llama; // UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR
This code is erroneous: it deletes each Llama
object twice,
resulting in undefined behavior. We need to be careful to avoid memory
errors when we have multiple containers referring to the same dynamic
objects. What we should do is designate one container as the canonical
“owner” of the objects, only deleting them when that container is
about to die:
int main() {
List<Llama *> by_age; // "owner" of llama objects
by_age.push_back(new Llama("Paul"));
by_age.push_back(new Llama("Carl"));
List<Llama *> by_name;
for (auto llama : by_age) { // delete llamas when by_age is dying
delete llama;
Alternatively, we can store the objects directly in the container that “owns” them, so that the destructor for the container does the work of reclaiming those objects:
int main() {
List<Llama> by_age; // "owner" of llama objects
List<Llama *> by_name;
} // llamas die automatically when by_age dies
Here, we construct the Llama
objects as temporaries when passing
them to push_back()
. Standard-library containers have
functions that avoid creating temporaries, and we
pass the constructor arguments directly to that function:
int main() {
List<Llama> by_age; // "owner" of llama objects
List<Llama *> by_name;
} // llamas die automatically when by_age dies
The result in memory is shown in Figure 102.
Figure 102 Storing pointers to elements of a different container.
The llamas die automatically when the container in which they reside
dies, at the end of main()
in the code above.
Sorting Containers of Pointers
The following code stores pointers to llamas in a container and then sorts them:
int main() {
vector<Llama *> llamas = { new Llama("Paul"), new Llama("Carl") };
std::sort(llamas.begin(), llamas.end());
While this code compiles, it sorts the pointers in the container by
the address values they store, not by some property of the Llama
objects. This is because std::sort()
uses the <
operator by
default, which for pointers just compares the addresses they contain.
The result depends on where the two Llama
objects were placed in
memory, which is implementation-dependent.
Instead, we need to supply our own comparator to std::sort()
, and
the comparator can use whatever property we choose of the underlying
class LlamaPointerNameLess {
bool operator()(const Llama *l1, const Llama *l2) const {
return l1->get_name() < l2->get_name();
Here, we have chosen to sort llamas by name. The comparator operates
on pointers to Llama
s, since that is what the container stores.
We then call std::sort()
as follows:
std::sort(llamas.begin(), llamas.end(), LlamaPointerNameLess());
The third argument is a default-constructed, temporary
object. Now std::sort()
will use that to
compare the Llama *
elements, resulting in them being ordered by
the names of the respective llamas.
We can use different comparators to maintain different orderings of the same objects:
vector<Llama> llamas = { Llama("Paul"), Llama("Carl") };
vector<Llama *> by_age;
for (auto &llama : llamas) {
std::sort(by_age.begin(), by_age.end(), LlamaPointerAgeLess());
vector<Llama *> by_name = by_age;
std::sort(by_name.begin(), by_name.end(), LlamaPointerNameLess());
Containers of Polymorphic Objects
Keeping track of polymorphic objects, meaning objects of different derived classes of the same base class, requires indirection as we saw previously. Containers of pointers enable this indirection:
int main() {
vector<Animal *> zoo;
zoo.push_back(new Gorilla("Colo"));
zoo.push_back(new Llama("Paul"));
zoo.push_back(new Panda("Po"));
for (auto animal_ptr : zoo) {
animal_ptr->talk(); // prints different messages for each animal
As long as the talk()
function is virtual, dynamic binding will be
used, and each animal will print its own sound.
When we are done with the objects, we need to delete them ourselves, since they are in dynamic memory:
for (auto animal_ptr : zoo) {
delete animal_ptr;
As we saw previously, this
requires the Animal
destructor to be declared as virtual
that dynamic binding is used to call the appropriate destructor for
each object.