
Tutorial: Unit Test Framework

In this tutorial, you will learn how to write test cases using a lightweight framework that functions similarly to unit test frameworks used in real-life software development.

Table of Contents

Setting Up

First, you will need the file unit_test_framework.hpp. This file is included with the starter code for EECS 280 projects where you are expected to use it. You can also download it directly (e.g. for this tutorial) with the following command.

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eecs280staff/unit_test_framework/main/unit_test_framework.hpp

For this tutorial, you’ll need two files, arrays.hpp and arrays.cpp.

$ wget https://eecs280staff.github.io/unit_test_framework/arrays.hpp
$ wget https://eecs280staff.github.io/unit_test_framework/arrays.cpp

These functions contain implementations of two functions (slideRight() and flip()) that work with arrays. The implementations each contain a bug! You’ll catch the bugs by writing tests.

Your tests should go in a new file, called arrays_tests.cpp. Add the following code to arrays_tests.cpp:

#include "arrays.hpp"
#include "unit_test_framework.hpp"

// We define a test case with the TEST(<test_name>) macro.
// <test_name> can be any valid C++ function name.
TEST(true_is_true) {

TEST(numbers_are_equal) {
  ASSERT_EQUAL(42, 42);

TEST_MAIN() // No semicolon!

These are just example tests…we’ll get to “real” tests for our array functions soon.

You’re probably wondering why some of the syntax in this code looks unusual. That’s because this testing framework uses preprocessor macros to achieve functionality that wouldn’t be possible with the plain C++ you’re used to seeing. Preprocessor macros are beyond the scope of this course and in general should be used sparingly, so here’s all you need to know:

Compile and run this test case with the following two commands:

$ g++ -Wall -Werror -pedantic -g -std=c++11 arrays.cpp arrays_tests.cpp -o arrays_tests.exe
$ ./arrays_tests.exe
Running test: numbers_are_equal
Running test: true_is_true

*** Results ***
** Test case 'numbers_are_equal': PASS
** Test case 'true_is_true': PASS
*** Summary ***
Out of 2 tests run:
0 failure(s), 0 error(s)

Another nice feature of the framework is that we can tell it to run only a subset of our test cases. If we wanted to only run the test numbers_are_equal, we could do it with this command:

$ ./arrays_tests.exe numbers_are_equal
Running test: numbers_are_equal

*** Results ***
** Test case 'numbers_are_equal': PASS
*** Summary ***
Out of 1 tests run:
0 failure(s), 0 error(s)

You can pass any number of test names as command line arguments, and it will only run the ones you’ve specified.

Special Test Assertions

One of the main reasons for using the special assertions provided by the framework is that they allow the framework to run all of your tests and report which ones passed and which ones failed. As you may have noticed, when you use regular assert() in your test cases, they automatically stop at the first failure. This can make it difficult to debug errors in one test that are actually caused by a function whose test cases didn’t get a chance to run yet.

Here is a summary of all the special assertions that the framework provides:

Assertion Description
ASSERT_EQUAL(first, second) If first == second evaluates to false, the test will fail. Note: Do not use this if first and second are not comparable using the == operator. Other than this restriction, first and second may be any type.
ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(first, second) If first != second evaluates to false, the test will fail. Note: Do not use this if first and second are not comparable using the != operator. Other than this restriction, first and second may be any type.
ASSERT_TRUE(bool value) If value is false, the test will fail.
ASSERT_FALSE(bool value) If value is true, the test will fail.
ASSERT_ALMOST_EQUAL(double first, double second, double precision) If first and second are not equal within precision, the test will fail.
ASSERT_SEQUENCE_EQUAL(first, second) first and second must be sequences (e.g. arrays, vectors, lists). If first and second do not have equal elements, the test will fail.

Example: Tests for an add() function

Suppose we have an add() function, defined in the file eecs280math.hpp, that computes the sum of two double arguments:

double add(double first, double second) {
  return first + second;

We could write a test case for add() using assert() as follows:

void add_test_basic();
bool doubles_almost_equal(double first, double second, double range);

int main() {

void add_test_basic() {
  double a = 0.1;
  double b = 0.2;
  double expected_sum = 0.3;
  double actual_sum = add(a, b);

  cout << setprecision(20);
  cout << "expected_sum: " << expected_sum << endl;
  cout << "actual_sum: " << actual_sum << endl;

  assert(doubles_almost_equal(expected_sum, actual_sum, .001));

bool doubles_almost_equal(double first, double second, double range) {
  double diff = abs(first - second);
  return diff < range;

The doubles_almost_equal() function above determines if two double values are equal to each other within a given range of precision. Since double values are not exact, it isn’t safe to compare non-integral double values with the == operator.

Let’s rewrite the test case above using the unit test framework. First, let’s turn add_test_basic into a TEST() and replace assert() with ASSERT_TRUE():

TEST(add_basic) {
  double a = 0.1;
  double b = 0.2;
  double expected_sum = 0.3;
  double actual_sum = add(a, b);

  cout << setprecision(20);
  cout << "expected_sum: " << expected_sum << endl;
  cout << "actual_sum: " << actual_sum << endl;

  ASSERT_TRUE(doubles_almost_equal(expected_sum, actual_sum, .001));

Next, instead of using our own doubles_almost_equal() function, let’s use ASSERT_ALMOST_EQUAL() from the framework. You should always use the “almost” version when comparing results that might be slightly different due to limited numeric precision.

TEST(add_basic) {
  double a = 0.1;
  double b = 0.2;
  double expected_sum = 0.3;
  double actual_sum = add(a, b);

  ASSERT_ALMOST_EQUAL(expected_sum, actual_sum, .001);

ASSERT_ALMOST_EQUAL() and ASSERT_EQUAL() will print out the expected and actual values for us if they’re different. Finally, let’s add TEST_MAIN() and any #includes that we need:

#include "eecs280math.hpp"
#include "unit_test_framework.hpp"

TEST(add_basic) {
  double a = 0.1;
  double b = 0.2;
  double expected_sum = 0.3;
  double actual_sum = add(a, b);

  ASSERT_ALMOST_EQUAL(expected_sum, actual_sum, .001);


Writing Unit Tests for slideright() and flip() array functions

Now, let’s add some real test cases for slideRight() and flip() to arrays_tests.cpp.

For example, here’s one test for each function (you can replace your existing code in arrays_tests.cpp with the code below):

#include "arrays.hpp"
#include "unit_test_framework.hpp"

// A helper function for comparing arrays. Returns true if the
// arrays are the same size and contain the same values.
bool compare_arrays(int arr1[], int size1, int arr2[], int size2) {
  if (size1 != size2) {
    return false;

  for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) {
    if (arr1[i] != arr2[i]) {
      return false;

  return true;

TEST(test_slide_right_1) {
  int testing[] = { 4, 0, 1, 3, 3 };
  int correct[] = { 3, 4, 0, 1, 3 };
  slideRight(testing, 5);
  ASSERT_TRUE(compare_arrays(testing, 5, correct, 5));

TEST(test_flip_1) {
  int testing[] = { 4, 0, 1, 3, 3 };
  int correct[] = { 3, 3, 1, 0, 4 };
  flip(testing, 5);
  ASSERT_TRUE(compare_arrays(testing, 5, correct, 5));

TEST_MAIN() // No semicolon!

Compile and run the tests with the following commands:

$ g++ -Wall -Werror -pedantic -O1 -std=c++11 arrays.cpp arrays_tests.cpp -o arrays_tests.exe
$ ./arrays_tests.exe
Running test: test_flip_1
Running test: test_slide_right_1

*** Results ***
** Test case "test_flip_1": PASS
** Test case "test_slide_right_1": FAIL
In ASSERT_TRUE(compare_arrays(testing, 5, correct, 5)), line 24:
Expected true, but was false

*** Summary ***
Out of 2 tests run:
1 failure(s), 0 error(s)

A failed test indicates there’s a bug in our arrays.cpp code. The tests above caught the bug in slideRight but not the one in flip (recall we mentioned there is a bug in both). You’ll need to write more tests to create a thorough testing suite! Ideally, you should have enough tests that any reasonable bug will cause at least one test to fail.

On the other hand, when run against a correct implementation, all of your tests should pass. (Otherwise, it would be giving a false positive for detecting a bug.) If a test passes on a correct implementation, we call it valid.

Once you feel your tests are thorough, submit arrays_tests.cpp to the unit test framework tutorial autograder. It will check your tests against a set of buggy implementations of slideRight and flip, similar to the buggy versions functions provided with this tutorial. To earn points, your tests must detect (i.e. fail when run against) each of the bugs. Note that the autograder will discard any tests that are not valid when checked against a correct solution.

Note: Because these functions work with arrays, it’s possible that a buggy version might go outside the bounds of the array when given one of your tests, causing a segfault or other crash. For example:

$ ./arrays_tests.exe
Running test: test_flip_1
Running test: test_flip_2
Segmentation fault

This still “counts” as catching the bug, because the program exits with a non-zero exit status (as is the case failed assertion) and we are alerted to the presence of a bug.

Writing Helper Functions for Tests

You may have noticed some duplicated code in your test cases, particularly when checking the expected and actual contents of arrays. It would be a good idea to write a function called compare_arrays() that takes in two arrays and their lengths and checks that the contents of those arrays are equal using the framework’s special assertions. Then, you can refactor your test cases to use compare_arrays() instead of duplicating code.

Note: Since compare_arrays() is a test helper, it should be within arrays_tests.cpp!

Note: compare_arrays() is different from ASSERT_SEQUENCE_EQUAL(). The latter works on arrays, but not on pointers that decayed from arrays. You will not be able to use ASSERT_SEQUENCE_EQUAL() in compare_arrays().