EECS 280 Tutorials

Style Checking

This tutorial will show you how to run style checking tools on your source code.

Style criteria

First, take a look at the EECS 280 C++ style guide.

We will use several tools to check the style of your code.

oclint checks

cpd checks for significant code duplication.


You can connect to CAEN Linux, where the tools are installed. See the CAEN Linux tutorial for help.

$ ssh
Success. Logging you in...

You have some source code you want to check. Our example contains a long line.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  // primer-spec-highlight-start
  cout << "hello world this is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long line" << endl;
  // primer-spec-highlight-end

Make sure the code compiles before running style checks. If you have a Makefile, you could just type make.

$ g++ test.cpp -o test

We prohibit the phrase oclint, regardless of capitalization, from appearing in your source files, as it can be used to turn off oclint checks.

Check style manually

Run oclint on test.cpp. You’ll need to load a module on CAEN, which adds a tool that isn’t available in the standard environment. There’s a long line in our example, which results in error output.

$ hostname
$ module load oclint
$ oclint \
    -rule=LongLine \
    -rule=HighNcssMethod \
    -rule=DeepNestedBlock \
    -rule=TooManyParameters \
    -rc=LONG_LINE=90 \
    -rc=NCSS_METHOD=40 \
    -max-priority-1 0 \
    -max-priority-2 0 \
    -max-priority-3 0 \
    test.cpp \
    -- -xc++ --std=c++17

OCLint Report

Summary: TotalFiles=1 FilesWithViolations=1 P1=0 P2=0 P3=1

/home/awdeorio/test.cpp:6:1: long line [size|P3] Line with 104 characters exceeds limit of 90

[OCLint ( v22.02]

oclint: error: violations exceed threshold
P1=0[0] P2=0[0] P3=1[0]

Run cpd on test.cpp. You’ll need to load the pmd module, which contains cpd. There isn’t any duplicate code in our example, so there is no error output.

$ hostname
$ module load pmd
$ cpd \
    --minimum-tokens 100 \
    --language cpp \
    --failOnViolation true \
    --files test.cpp
Added /afs/

Check style automatically

You can run the style checks using the Makefile on an EECS 280 project.

Copy code to CAEN Linux

We’re going to synchronize our code to CAEN Linux many times. These shortcuts will let you synchronize quickly and easily.

Be sure that you can avoid repeated two-factor authentication (2FA). In a separate terminal, connect to CAEN Linux with SSH so you won’t have to enter your password again.

$ ssh
Duo two-factor login for awdeorio

Enter a passcode or select one of the following options:

 1. Duo Push to XXX-XXX-3142
 2. Phone call to XXX-XXX-3142
 3. SMS passcodes to XXX-XXX-3142

Passcode or option (1-3): 1
Success. Logging you in...


If you didn’t already, add a make sync shortcut to your Makefile.

Clean up (from your laptop).

$ hostname
$ pwd
$ make clean

Copy (from your laptop).

$ hostname
$ pwd
$ make sync
rsync -rtv --delete --exclude '.git*' --filter=':- .gitignore' ./

Connect to CAEN Linux

Connect to CAEN Linux via ssh. If you’re already connected, you don’t need to connect again.

$ hostname
$ ssh
Success. Logging you in...
$ hostname

Change directory to the folder containing your source code. In this tutorial, we’re going to use the copy created by rsync via make sync. Note that you might also have a p1-stats directory created during the Version control on CAEN Linux tutorial.

$ pwd
$ ls
p1-stats p1-stats-copy
$ cd p1-stats-copy
$ pwd

Run style checks

We’ve provided a make style Makefile target to run all the style checks for you.

$ hostname
$ pwd
$ make style
EECS 280 style checks PASS


Original document written by Andrew DeOrio

This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License. You’re free to copy and share this document, but not to sell it. You may not share source code provided with this document.