
EECS 280 Project 3: Euchre

Winter 2025 release.

Checkpoint due 8:00pm EST Monday February 24, 2025. See Submission and Grading / Checkpoint.

Full project due 8:00pm EST Wednesday March 12, 2025.

You may work alone or with a partner (partnership guidelines). If you work alone, you must work alone on both the checkpoint and the full project. If you work with a partner, you must work with the same partner on the checkpoint and the full project. You may not work alone on the checkpoint and then add a partner for the full project.


Euchre (pronounced “YOO-kur”) is a card game popular in Michigan.

The learning goals of this project include Abstract Data Types in C++, Derived Classes, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. You’ll gain practice with C++-style Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with classes and virtual functions.

When you’re done, you’ll have a program that simulates a game of Euchre, supporting a AI player and a Human player.

$ ./euchre.exe noshuffle 3 Ivan Human Judea Simple Kunle Simple Liskov Simple
Hand 0
Ivan deals
Jack of Diamonds turned up
Judea passes
Kunle passes
Liskov passes
Human player Ivan's hand: [0] Nine of Diamonds
Human player Ivan's hand: [1] Ten of Diamonds
Human player Ivan's hand: [2] Jack of Hearts
Human player Ivan's hand: [3] Queen of Hearts
Human player Ivan's hand: [4] Ace of Clubs
Human player Ivan, please enter a suit, or "pass":
Ivan orders up Diamonds


Set up your visual debugger and version control, then submit to the autograder.

Visual debugger

During setup, name your project p3-euchre. Use this starter files link:

VS Code Visual Studio Xcode

If you created a main.cpp while following the setup tutorial, rename it to euchre.cpp. Otherwise, create a new file euchre.cpp. You should end up with a folder with starter files that looks like this. You may have already renamed files like Card.cpp.starter to Card.cpp.

$ ls
Card.cpp.starter        Pack_public_tests.cpp     euchre_test00.out.correct
Card.hpp                Pack_tests.cpp.starter    euchre_test01.out.correct
Card_public_tests.cpp   Player.hpp      
Card_tests.cpp.starter  Player_public_tests.cpp   euchre_test50.out.correct
Makefile                Player_tests.cpp.starter
Pack.hpp                euchre.cpp                unit_test_framework.hpp

Here’s a short description of each starter file.

File(s) Description
Card.hpp Abstraction representing a playing card.
Card.cpp.starter Starter code for the Card.
Card_tests.cpp Your Card unit tests.
Card_public_tests.cpp Compile check test for Card.cpp.
Pack.hpp Abstraction representing a pack cards.
Pack_tests.cpp Add your Pack unit tests to this file.
Pack_public_tests.cpp Compile check test for Pack.cpp.
Player.hpp Abstraction representing a euchre player.
Player_tests.cpp Your Player unit tests.
Player_public_tests.cpp Compile check test for Player.cpp. Input file containing a Euchre deck.
Makefile Helper commands for building.
Correct output for system tests with Simple player.
Input and correct output for system tests with Human player.
unit_test_framework.hpp A simple unit-testing framework.

Version control

Set up version control using the Version control tutorial.

After you’re done, you should have a local repository with a “clean” status and your local repository should be connected to a remote GitHub repository.

$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin	https://githubcom/awdeorio/p3-euchre.git (push)

You should have a .gitignore file (instructions).

$ head .gitignore
# This is a sample .gitignore file that's useful for C++ projects.

Group registration

Register your partnership (or working alone) on the Autograder. Then, submit the code you have.

EECS 280 Euchre Rules

There are many variants of Euchre. Our particular version is based on a variety commonly played in Michigan with a few changes to make it feasible as a coding project.

Our step-by-step explanation of a game of “EECS 280 Euchre” can be found in a YouTube video and a PDF.

Pro-tip: Skim this section the first time through. Refer back to it while you’re coding.


There are four players numbered 0-3. If the players sat around the table, it would look like this:

There are two teams: players 0 and 2 are partners, as are 1 and 3. Each player has left and right neighbors. For example, 1 is to the left of 0, and 3 is to the right of 0. That means 1 is 0’s left neighbor, and 3 is 0’s right neighbor.

The Cards

Euchre uses a deck of 24 playing cards, each of which has two properties: a rank and a suit. The ranks are 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace, and the suits are Spades, Hearts, Clubs, and Diamonds. Each card is unique — there are no duplicates. Throughout this document, we sometimes refer to ranks or suits using only the first letter of their name. Farther below, we describe how to determine the ordering of the cards.

Playing the Game

At a high level, a game of Euchre involves several rounds, which are called hands. Each hand consists of the following phases.

Each hand:

  1. Setup table
    1. Shuffle
    2. Deal
  2. Making Trump
    1. Round One
    2. Round Two
  3. Trick Taking
  4. Scoring

We describe each in more detail below.

Setup table


The dealer shuffles the deck at the beginning of each hand. The algorithm you will implement for shuffling is a variant of a riffle shuffle called an “in shuffle” ( Cut the deck exactly in half and then interleave the two halves, starting with the second half. Thus, the card originally at position 12 goes to position 0, the one originally at position 0 goes to position 1, the one originally at position 13 goes to position 2, and so on. Do this in-shuffle process 7 times.

You will also implement an option to run the game with shuffling disabled - when this option is chosen, just reset the pack any time shuffling would be called for. This may make for easier testing and debugging.


In each hand, one player is designated as the dealer (if humans were playing the game, the one who passes out the cards). In our game, player 0 deals during the first hand. Each subsequent hand, the role of dealer moves one player to the left.

Each player receives five cards, dealt in alternating batches of 3 and 2. That is, deal 3-2-3-2 cards then 2-3-2-3 cards, for a total of 5 cards each. The player to the left of the dealer receives the first batch, and dealing continues to the left until 8 batches have been dealt.

Four cards remain in the deck after the deal. The next card in the pack is called the upcard (it is turned face up, while the other cards are all face down). It plays a special role in the next phase. The three remaining cards are not used for the current hand.

Making Trump

During this phase, the trump suit is determined by whichever player chooses to order up.

Round One

The suit of the upcard is used to propose a trump suit whose cards become more valuable during the upcoming hand. Players are given the opportunity to order up (i.e. select the suit of the upcard to be the trump suit) or pass, starting with the player to the dealer’s left (also known as the eldest hand) and progressing once around the circle to the left. If any player orders up, the upcard’s suit becomes trump and the dealer is given the option to replace one of their cards with the upcard.

Round Two

If all players pass during the first round, there is a second round of making, again beginning with the eldest hand. The upcard’s suit is rejected and cannot be ordered up. Instead, the players may order up any suit other than the upcard’s suit. The dealer does not have the opportunity to pick up the upcard during round two.

If making reaches the dealer during the second round, a variant called screw the dealer is invoked: the dealer must order up a suit other than the rejected suit.

(Note for pro Euchre players: for simplicity, we have omitted “going alone” in this version.)

Trick Taking

Once the trump has been determined, five tricks are played. For each trick, players take turns laying down cards, and whoever played the highest card takes the trick.

During each trick, the player who plays first is called the leader. For the first trick, the eldest hand leads.

At the beginning of each trick, the leader leads a card, which affects which cards other players are allowed to play, as well as the value of each card played (see below). Each other player must follow suit (play a card with the same suit as the led card) if they are able, and otherwise may play any card (it is removed from their hand). Play moves to the left around the table, with each player playing one card.

A trick is won by the player who played the highest valued card (see below to determine comparative values). The winner of the trick leads the next one.


The team that takes the majority of tricks receives points for that hand.

Traditionally, the first side to reach 10 points wins the game. In this project, the number of points needed to win is specified when the program is run.

Value of cards

In order to determine which of two cards is better, you must pay attention to the context in which they are being compared. There are three separate contexts, which depend on whether or not a trump or led suit is present.

In the simplest case, cards are ordered by rank (A > K > Q > J > 10 > 9), with ties broken by suit (D > C > H > S).

If a trump suit is present, all trump cards are more valuable than non-trump cards. That means a 9 of the trump suit will beat an Ace of a non-trump suit. Additionally, two special cards called bowers take on different values than normal.

The suit of the left bower is called next, while the two suits of the opposite color are called cross suits.

If a led suit is present as well as a trump suit, the ordering is the same except that all cards of the led suit are considered more valuable than all non-trump-suit, non-led-suit cards. Note that it is possible for the trump suit and led suit to be the same.

Pitfall: The left bower is always considered the trump suit. For example, if Diamonds is trump, the Jack of Hearts is also considered a Diamond, not a Heart.

The above shows card orderings in the possible contexts. Cards in higher rows are greater than those in lower rows. Within rows, cards farther to the left are greater. Note the right bower (blue outline) and left bower (red outline).

Euchre Glossary

Trump: A suit whose cards are elevated above their normal rank during play.

Right Bower: The Jack card of the Trump suit, which is considered the highest-valued card in Euchre.

Left Bower: The Jack from the other suit of the same color as the Trump suit, considered the second highest-valued card in Euchre. The Left Bower is also considered a Trump card.

Face or Ace: The Jack, Queen, and King cards are generally pictured with people on them and are called “face” cards. These and the ace cards are more powerful than the 9 or 10 and factor into the simple player’s strategy.

Next Suit: The suit of the same color as trump.

Cross Suits: The two suits of the opposite color as trump.

Making: The process in which a trump card is chosen, consists of two rounds.

Eldest: Player to the left of the dealer.

Upcard: The up-facing card in front of the dealer that proposes the trump suit.

Order Up: Accepts the Upcard suit.

Pass: Player rejects the suit and passes on the decision to the next player.

Screw the Dealer: When making* reaches the dealer on round two, the dealer must *order up a suit other than the rejected one.

Lead: The first card played by the eldest* hand, regardless of who *is the maker.

Leader: Person playing the lead* card in a trick, allowed to lead* *any card.

March: When the side that made trump* wins all 5 tricks.

Euchred: When the side that didn’t make trump* wins 3, 4, or 5 *tricks.


Write an abstract data type (ADT) for a playing card. Refer back to the Value of cards section while you’re working on the card ADT.

Before getting started, take a look at the Operator Overloading Tutorial. That will help you understand functions like:

bool operator<(const Card &lhs, const Card &rhs);

Next, see the short Enumerated Type Tutorial. It explains code like this from Card.hpp.

enum Suit {
  SPADES   = 0,
  HEARTS   = 1,
  CLUBS    = 2,

Write implementations in Card.cpp for the functions declared in Card.hpp.

Run the public Card tests.

$ make Card_public_tests.exe
$ ./Card_public_tests.exe

Write tests for Card in Card_tests.cpp using the Unit Test Framework. You’ll submit these tests to the autograder. See the Unit Test Grading section.

$ make Card_tests.exe
$ ./Card_tests.exe

Submit Card.cpp and Card_tests.cpp to the autograder.

Pro-tip: Compare the underlying numeric representation of an enum.

Rank r = JACK;
r == JACK; // true

Suit s1 = SPADES;
Suit s2 = DIAMONDS;
s1 < s2;  // true


Rename these files (VS Code (macOS), VS Code (Windows), Visual Studio, Xcode, CLI):

Edit Card.cpp, adding a function stub for each of the Card member functions in Card.hpp.

Card::Card() {

Edit Card.cpp, adding function stubs for each of the non-member non-operator functions in Card.hpp. Here are a few examples.

Suit Suit_next(Suit suit) {

bool Card_less(const Card &a, const Card &b, Suit trump) {

Edit Card.cpp, adding function stubs for each of the overloaded operators in Card.hpp. Here are a few examples.

std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Card &card) {

bool operator<(const Card &lhs, const Card &rhs) {

The Card tests should compile and run. Expect them to fail at this point because the Card.cpp starter code contains function stubs.

$ make Card_public_tests.exe
$ ./Card_public_tests.exe
$ make Card_tests.exe
$ ./Card_tests.exe

Configure your IDE to debug either the public tests or your own tests.

Public tests Your own tests
VS Code (macOS)

Set program name to:

Set program name to:

VS Code (Windows)

Set program name to:

Set program name to:


Include compile sources:
Card_public_tests.cpp, Card.cpp

Include compile sources:
Card_tests.cpp, Card.cpp

Visual Studio

Exclude files from the build:

  • Include Card_public_tests.cpp
  • Exclude Card_tests.cpp, Pack_public_tests.cpp, Pack_tests.cpp, Player_public_tests.cpp, Player_tests.cpp, euchre.cpp (if present), main.cpp (if present)

Exclude files from the build:

  • Include Card_tests.cpp
  • Exclude Card_public_tests.cpp, Pack_public_tests.cpp, Pack_tests.cpp, Player_public_tests.cpp, Player_tests.cpp, euchre.cpp (if present), main.cpp (if present)


This section contains a few tips for writing your own tests in Card_tests.cpp.

Here’s how to create a Card and check its rank and suit.

Card ace_hearts(ACE, HEARTS);
ASSERT_EQUAL(ace_hearts.get_rank(), ACE);
ASSERT_EQUAL(ace_hearts.get_suit(), HEARTS);

In this example, the overloaded less-than operator runs: bool operator<(const Card &lhs, const Card &rhs);. Notice that the suits are ordered to break ties (see the Value of Cards section).

Card ace_hearts(ACE, HEARTS);
Card ace_diamonds(ACE, DIAMONDS);
ASSERT_TRUE(ace_hearts < ace_diamonds);


Write an abstract data type (ADT) for a pack of playing cards.

Write implementations in Pack.cpp for the functions declared in Pack.hpp.

Run the public Pack tests.

$ make Pack_public_tests.exe
$ ./Pack_public_tests.exe

Write tests for Pack in Pack_tests.cpp using the unit test framework. While you should write your own tests for Pack to ensure that your implementation is correct, you do not have to submit your tests to the autograder.

$ make Pack_tests.exe
$ ./Pack_tests.exe

Submit Pack.cpp to the autograder. Don’t forget to include the code you finished earlier, Card.cpp and Card_tests.cpp.

Default constructor

The default Pack constructor initializes a full pack with cards in order from lowest to highest.


You can take advantage of an enum’s underlying integer representation to loop over all its values.

for (int s = SPADES; s <= DIAMONDS; ++s) {
  Suit suit = static_cast<Suit>(s);

Stream input constructor

A second Pack constructor reads a pack from stream input. Later, your main function will open an input file and then call this constructor on the input stream.


Rename these files (VS Code (macOS), VS Code (Windows), Visual Studio, Xcode, CLI):

Create a new file Pack.cpp. Add a function stub for every function prototype in Pack.hpp. Remember to #include "Pack.hpp".

For example:

#include "Pack.hpp"
void Pack::reset() {
  assert(next); // DELETEME: avoid error "private field is not used"

The Pack tests should compile and run. Expect them to fail at this point because the Pack.cpp contains function stubs.

$ make Pack_public_tests.exe
$ ./Pack_public_tests.exe
$ make Pack_tests.exe
$ ./Pack_tests.exe

Configure your IDE to debug either the public tests or your own tests.

Public tests Your own tests
VS Code (macOS)

Set program name to:

Set program name to:

VS Code (Windows)

Set program name to:

Set program name to:


Include compile sources:
Pack_public_tests.cpp, Pack.cpp, Card.cpp

Include compile sources:
Pack_tests.cpp, Pack.cpp, Card.cpp

Visual Studio

Exclude files from the build:

  • Include Pack_public_tests.cpp
  • Exclude Pack_tests.cpp, Card_public_tests.cpp, Card_tests.cpp, Player_public_tests.cpp, Player_tests.cpp, euchre.cpp (if present), main.cpp (if present)

Exclude files from the build:

  • Include Pack_tests.cpp
  • Exclude Pack_public_tests.cpp, Card_public_tests.cpp, Card_tests.cpp, Player_public_tests.cpp, Player_tests.cpp, euchre.cpp (if present), main.cpp (if present)

Reading the Pack

One of the Pack constructors reads a pack from stream input. Later, your main function will open an input file and then call this constructor on the input stream.

Pack(std::istream& pack_input);

The file provided with the project contains an example of the input format, with cards listed in “new pack” order:

Nine of Spades
Ten of Spades
Jack of Spades
Queen of Diamonds
King of Diamonds
Ace of Diamonds

Your implementation may assume any pack input is formatted correctly, with exactly 24 unique and correctly formatted cards.


We’ll implement two players: a simple AI player and a human-controlled player that reads instructions from standard input (cin). We have provided an abstract base class in Player.hpp.


Rename these files (VS Code (macOS), VS Code (Windows), Visual Studio, Xcode, CLI):

Create a new file Player.cpp. Add function stubs for the two “vanilla” functions in Player.hpp. Remember to #include "Player.hpp". Later, you’ll add new classes and member functions using derived classes, which you can ignore for now.

#include "Player.hpp"
Player * Player_factory(const std::string &name, const std::string &strategy) {

std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Player &p) {

The Player tests should compile and run. Expect them to fail at this point because the Player.cpp contains function stubs.

$ make Player_public_tests.exe
$ ./Player_public_tests.exe
$ make Player_tests.exe
$ ./Player_tests.exe

Configure your IDE to debug either the public tests or your own tests.

Public tests Your own tests
VS Code (macOS)

Set program name to:

Set program name to:

VS Code (Windows)

Set program name to:

Set program name to:


Include compile sources:
Player_public_tests.cpp, Player.cpp, Pack.cpp, Card.cpp

Include compile sources:
Player_tests.cpp, Player.cpp, Pack.cpp, Card.cpp

Visual Studio

Exclude files from the build:

  • Include Player_public_tests.cpp
  • Exclude Player_tests.cpp, Card_public_tests.cpp, Card_tests.cpp, Pack_public_tests.cpp, Pack_tests.cpp, euchre.cpp (if present), main.cpp (if present)

Exclude files from the build:

  • Include Player_tests.cpp
  • Exclude Player_public_tests.cpp, Card_public_tests.cpp, Card_tests.cpp, Pack_public_tests.cpp, Pack_tests.cpp, euchre.cpp (if present), main.cpp (if present)

Player factory

Since the specific types of Players are hidden inside Player.cpp, we need to write a factory function that returns a pointer to a Player with the correct dynamic type. We also need the pointed-to objects to stick around after the factory function finishes, so we’ll create the players using dynamically allocated memory. The prototype for Player_factory can be found in Player.hpp, and the implementation will go in Player.cpp.

Player * Player_factory(const std::string &name, 
                        const std::string &strategy) {
  // We need to check the value of strategy and return 
  // the corresponding player type.
  if (strategy == "Simple") {
    // The "new" keyword dynamically allocates an object.
    return new SimplePlayer(name);
  // Repeat for each other type of Player
  // Invalid strategy if we get here
  return nullptr;

Simple Player

Implement the Simple Player in Player.cpp by creating a class that derives from our Player abstract base class. Override each Player function in Player.cpp for the functions declared in Player.hpp.

Much of the strategy for our Simple Player can be implemented using the comparison functions provided by the Card interface.

The Simple Player should not print any output.

Run the public Simple Player tests.

$ make Player_public_tests.exe
$ ./Player_public_tests.exe

Write tests for the Simple Player in Player_tests.cpp using the Unit Test Framework. You’ll submit these tests to the autograder. See the Unit Test Grading section.

$ make Player_tests.exe
$ ./Player_tests.exe

Submit Player.cpp and Player_tests.cpp to the autograder. Don’t forget to include the code you finished earlier, Card.cpp, Card_tests.cpp, and Pack.cpp.


In making trump, a Simple Player considers the upcard, which player dealt, and whether it is the first or second round of making trump. A more comprehensive strategy would consider the other players’ responses, but we will keep it simple.

During round one, a Simple Player considers ordering up the suit of the upcard, which would make that suit trump. They will order up if that would mean they have two or more cards that are either face or ace cards of the trump suit (the right and left bowers, and Q, K, A of the trump suit, which is the suit proposed by the upcard). (A Simple Player does not consider whether they are the dealer and could gain an additional trump by picking up the upcard.)

During round two, a Simple Player considers ordering up the suit with the same color as the upcard, which would make that suit trump. They will order up if that would mean they have one or more cards that are either face or ace cards of the trump suit in their hand (the right and left bowers, and Q, K, A of the order-up suit). For example, if the upcard is a Heart and the player has the King of Diamonds in their hand, they will order up Diamonds. The Simple Player will not order up any other suit. If making reaches the dealer during the second round, we invoke screw the dealer, where the dealer is forced to order up. In the case of screw the dealer, the dealer will always order up the suit with the same color as the upcard.

Adding the Upcard and Discarding a Card

If the trump suit is ordered up during round one, the dealer picks up the upcard. The dealer then discards the lowest card in their hand, even if this is the upcard, for a final total of five cards. (Note that at this point, the trump suit is the suit of the upcard.)

Leading Tricks

When a Simple Player leads a trick, they play the highest non-trump card in their hand. If they have only trump cards, they play the highest trump card in their hand.

Playing Tricks

When playing a card, Simple Players use a simple strategy that considers only the suit that was led. A more complex strategy would also consider the cards on the table.

If a Simple Player can follow suit, they play the highest card that follows suit. Otherwise, they play the lowest card in their hand.

Pro-tip: Here’s a nice way to remove a Card from a vector using vector::erase.

vector<Card> hand;  // Assume hand is full of cards
hand.erase(hand.begin() + i);  // Remove card i

Human Player

The Human Player reads input from the human user. You may assume all user input is correctly formatted and has correct values. You may also assume the user will follow the rules of the game and not try to cheat. See Example With Human Players for exact output for a game with a human player.

Implement the Human Player in Player.cpp by creating a class that derives from our Player abstract base class. Override each Player function in Player.cpp for the functions declared in Player.hpp.

The tests in Player_tests.cpp and Player_public_tests.cpp test only the Simple Player. You’ll have to wait until you have a working Euchre game driver to test the Human player.

Submit Player.cpp again to the autograder. Don’t forget to include the code you finished earlier, Card.cpp, Card_tests.cpp, Pack.cpp, and Player_tests.cpp.

Making Trump

When making trump reaches a Human Player, first print the Player’s hand. Then, prompt the user for their decision to pass or order up. The user will then enter one of the following: “Spades”, “Hearts”, “Clubs”, “Diamonds”, or “pass” to either order up the specified suit or pass. This procedure is the same for both rounds of making trump.

Sample output code:

cout << "Human player " << name << ", please enter a suit, or \"pass\":\n";

Pro-tip: Add a private member function that prints out the human player’s hand.

void print_hand() const {
  for (size_t i=0; i < hand.size(); ++i)
    cout << "Human player " << name << "'s hand: "
         << "[" << i << "] " << hand[i] << "\n";

Pro-tip: Use the string_to_suit() function provided with the starter code.

string decision;
cin >> decision;

if (decision != "pass") {
  Suit ordered_up = string_to_suit(decision);
else {

Adding the Upcard and Discarding

If a Human Player is the dealer and someone orders up during the first round of making, the Human Player will pick up the upcard and discard a card of their choice. Print the Player’s hand and an option to discard the upcard. Then, prompt the user to select a card to discard. The user will then enter the number corresponding to the card they want to discard (or -1 if they want to discard the upcard).

Sample output code:

cout << "Discard upcard: [-1]\n";
cout << "Human player " << name << ", please select a card to discard:\n";

Pro-tip: Make “sorted card ordering” a representation invariant of your Human Player class and ensure that the hand is always kept in sorted order. For consistency with autograder test cases, the cards in a human player’s hand must always be printed in ascending order, as defined by the < operator in Card.hpp.

Use the STL to sort a vector<Card> hand:

#include <algorithm>
// ...
std::sort(hand.begin(), hand.end());

Pitfall: Using sort on a member variable in a const member function leads to a confusing error, no matching function for call to 'swap'. Instead, call sort when adding a card to the hand.

void Human::print_hand() const {
  std::sort(hand.begin(), hand.end()); // Error!
  // ...

Playing and Leading Tricks

When it is the Human Player’s turn to lead or play a trick, first print the Player’s hand. Then, prompt the user to select a card. The user will then enter the number corresponding to the card they want to play.

Sample output code:

cout << "Human player " << name << ", please select a card:\n";

Euchre Game

Write the Euchre Game in euchre.cpp following the EECS 280 Euchre Rules.

Run a Euchre game with four players.

$ make euchre.exe
$ ./euchre.exe noshuffle 1 Adi Simple Barbara Simple Chi-Chih Simple Dabbala Simple


Make sure you have created euchre.cpp (VS Code (macOS), VS Code (Windows), Visual Studio, Xcode, CLI).

Add “hello world” code if you haven’t already.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  cout << "Hello World!\n";

The euchre program should compile and run.

$ make euchre.exe
$ ./euchre.exe
Hello World!

Configure your IDE to debug the euchre program.

VS Code (macOS)

Set program name to:

VS Code (Windows)

Set program name to:


Include compile sources:
euchre.cpp, Card.cpp, Pack.cpp, Player.cpp

Visual Studio

Exclude files from the build:

  • Include euchre.cpp
  • Exclude Card_public_tests.cpp, Card_tests.cpp, Pack_public_tests.cpp, Pack_tests.cpp, Player_public_tests.cpp, Player_tests.cpp, main.cpp (if present)

Configure command line arguments (VS Code (macOS), VS Code (Windows), Xcode, Visual Studio). We recommend starting with the euchre test 00: noshuffle 1 Adi Simple Barbara Simple Chi-Chih Simple Dabbala Simple

To compile and run a Euchre game with four players.

$ make euchre.exe
$ ./euchre.exe noshuffle 1 Adi Simple Barbara Simple Chi-Chih Simple Dabbala Simple


The Euchre game driver takes several command line arguments, for example:

$ ./euchre.exe noshuffle 1 Adi Simple Barbara Simple Chi-Chih Simple Dabbala Simple

Here’s a short description of each command line argument.

./euchre.exe Name of the executable Filename of the pack
noshuffle Don’t shuffle the deck, or use shuffle to turn on shuffling
1 Points to win the game
Adi Name of player 0
Simple Type of player 0
Barbara Name of player 1
Simple Type of player 1
Chi-Chih Name of player 2
Simple Type of player 2
Dabbala Name of player 3
Simple Type of player 3

Check for each of these errors:

If there is an error print this message and no other output. Exit returning a non-zero value from main.

cout << "Usage: euchre.exe PACK_FILENAME [shuffle|noshuffle] "
     << "NAME4 TYPE4" << endl;

You must also verify the pack input file opens successfully. If it does not, print this error message and exit returning a non-zero value from main.

// Assume pack_filename is a variable containing
// the specified pack filename from argv
cout << "Error opening " << pack_filename << endl;

If the file opens successfully, you may assume it is formatted correctly.


The Euchre game driver coordinates all the actions in the game. Take some time to design this complex piece of code before beginning.

We recommend writing a Game ADT. It should have a constructor that takes in details like the players, points to win, etc. and a public play() function. The Game and its helper functions do the hard work, and the main() function is simple.

class Game {
  // primer-spec-highlight-start
  Game(/* game details */);
  void play();
  // primer-spec-highlight-end

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  // Read command line args and check for errors
  // primer-spec-highlight-start
  Game game(/* game details */);;
  // primer-spec-highlight-end

Next, consider which member data you’ll need. Examples include player pointers, pack of cards, etc.

class Game {
  Game(/* ... */);
  void play();

  // primer-spec-highlight-start
  std::vector<Player*> players;
  Pack pack;
  // ...
  // primer-spec-highlight-end

Which helper functions would help simplify the play() function? Add these as private member functions. Functions that shuffle, deal, make trump, and play a hand are a good starting point.

class Game {
  Game(/* ... */);
  void play();

  std::vector<Player*> players;
  Pack pack;
  // ...

  // primer-spec-highlight-start
  void shuffle();
  void deal(/* ... */);
  void make_trump(/* ... */);
  void play_hand(/* ... */);
  // ...
  // primer-spec-highlight-end

End of game

At the end of a game, delete the Player objects created by the Player_factory.

for (size_t i = 0; i < players.size(); ++i) {
  delete players[i];

Example With Simple Players

We’ve provided full example output for a game with four simple players in euchre_test00.out.correct. This section explains the output line by line.

As a reminder, all the output in this example is produced by the Euchre Game driver, not by the simple player code in Player.cpp.

Pro-tip: Debug differences in game output using diff -y -B, which shows differences side-by-side and ignores whitespace. We’ll use the less pager so we can scroll through the long terminal output. Press q to quit.

$ make euchre.exe
$ ./euchre.exe noshuffle 1 Adi Simple Barbara Simple Chi-Chih Simple Dabbala Simple > euchre_test00.out
$ diff -y -B euchre_test00.out.correct euchre_test00.out | less  # q to quit

Run the example.

$ make euchre.exe
$ ./euchre.exe noshuffle 1 Adi Simple Barbara Simple Chi-Chih Simple Dabbala Simple

First, print the executable and all arguments on the first line. Print a single space at the end, which makes it easier to print an array.

./euchre.exe noshuffle 1 Adi Simple Barbara Simple Chi-Chih Simple Dabbala Simple 

At the beginning of each hand, announce the hand, starting at zero, followed by the dealer and the upcard.

Hand 0
Adi deals
Jack of Diamonds turned up

Print the decision of each player during the making procedure. Print an extra newline when making, adding, and discarding is complete.

Barbara passes
Chi-Chih passes
Dabbala passes
Adi passes
Barbara orders up Hearts

Each of the five tricks is announced, including the lead, cards played and the player that took the trick. Print an extra newline at the end of each trick.

Jack of Spades led by Barbara
King of Spades played by Chi-Chih
Ace of Spades played by Dabbala
Nine of Diamonds played by Adi
Dabbala takes the trick

At the end of the hand, print the winners of the hand. When printing the names of a partnership, print the player with the lower index first. For example, Adi was specified on the command line before Chi-Chih, so he goes first.

Adi and Chi-Chih win the hand

If a march occurs, print march! followed by a newline. If euchre occurs, print euchred! followed by a newline. If neither occurs, print nothing.


Print the score, followed by an extra newline.

Adi and Chi-Chih have 2 points
Barbara and Dabbala have 0 points

When the game is over, print the winners of the game.

Adi and Chi-Chih win!

The output for a much longer game with four simple players is in euchre_test01.out.correct. See the Euchre Test 01 Explanation for an explanation of the output.

Example With Human Players

We’ve provided full example output for a game with four human players in euchre_test50.out.correct. The input is in This section explains the output line by line.

Output that is specific to the Human Player should be printed by the Human Player code in (Player.cpp). All other output that is common to both Simple and Human Players should be printed by the Euchre Game driver.

Set up input redirection (VS Code (macOS), VS Code (Windows), Xcode, Visual Studio) to read

Configure command line arguments (VS Code (macOS), VS Code (Windows), Xcode, Visual Studio) for euchre test 50: noshuffle 3 Ivan Human Judea Human Kunle Human Liskov Human

Pro-tip: Similar to the simple player, you can debug differences in game output using diff -y -B. Press q to quit.

$ make euchre.exe
$ ./euchre.exe noshuffle 3 Ivan Human Judea Human Kunle Human Liskov Human < > euchre_test50.out
$ diff -y -B euchre_test50.out.correct euchre_test50.out | less  # q to quit

Run the example, redirecting the input file to stdin.

$ make euchre.exe
$ ./euchre.exe noshuffle 3 Ivan Human Judea Human Kunle Human Liskov Human <

First, print the executable and all arguments on the first line. Print a single space at the end, which makes it easier to print an array.

./euchre.exe noshuffle 3 Ivan Human Judea Human Kunle Human Liskov Human 

At the beginning of each hand, announce the hand, starting at zero, followed by the dealer and the upcard.

Hand 0
Ivan deals
Jack of Diamonds turned up

Print the hand of each player during the making procedure, followed by a prompt for their making decision. End the prompt with a newline immediately after the colon.

Human player Judea's hand: [0] Nine of Spades
Human player Judea's hand: [1] Ten of Spades
Human player Judea's hand: [2] Jack of Spades
Human player Judea's hand: [3] King of Hearts
Human player Judea's hand: [4] Ace of Hearts
Human player Judea, please enter a suit, or "pass":

Print the decision of each player during the making procedure.

Judea passes
Judea orders up Hearts

Print the dealer’s hand if a player orders up during the first round, as well as an option to discard the upcard. Prompt the dealer to select a card to discard, ending the prompt with a newline immediately after the colon. Print an extra newline when making, adding, and discarding is done.

Human player Ivan's hand: [0] Nine of Diamonds
Human player Ivan's hand: [4] Ace of Clubs
Discard upcard: [-1]
Human player Ivan, please select a card to discard:

For each trick, print the Human Player’s hand and prompt them to select a card.

Human player Judea's hand: [0] Nine of Spades
Human player Judea's hand: [4] Ace of Hearts
Human player Judea, please select a card:

Then print the card played or lead.

Nine of Spades led by Judea

At the end of each trick, print the player who took the trick as well as an extra newline.

Liskov takes the trick

At the end of the hand, print the winners of the hand. When printing the names of a partnership, print the player with the lower index first. For example, Ivan was specified on the command line before Kunle, so he goes first.

Ivan and Kunle win the hand

If a march occurs, print march! followed by a newline. If euchre occurs, print euchred! followed by a newline. If neither occurs, print nothing.


Print the score, followed by an extra newline.

Ivan and Kunle have 2 points
Judea and Liskov have 0 points

When the game is over, print the winners of the game.

Ivan and Kunle win!

Submission and Grading

Submit these files to the autograder.

You do not have to submit Pack_tests.cpp to the autograder.

This project will be autograded for correctness, comprehensiveness of your test cases, and programming style. See the style checking tutorial for the criteria and how to check your style automatically on CAEN.


This project is graded on an early checkpoint as well as the full submission. The checkpoint submission is worth 0.5% of your overall course grade. The full submission is worth 9.5% of your overall course grade.

The checkpoint consists of everything except the Euchre Game driver.

Submit these files to the autograder.

There are no private tests and no style grading at the checkpoint.

Your checkpoint score does not change after the checkpoint deadline, even though we run the same public tests and mutation tests at both the checkpoint and full submission.

After the checkpoint autograder closes, the full submission autograder will open.


Run all the unit tests and system tests. This includes the public tests we provided and the unit tests that you wrote.

$ make test

Pro-tip: Run commands in parallel with make -j.

$ make -j4 test

Unit Test Grading

We will autograde your Card_tests.cpp and Player_tests.cpp unit tests. Note that your player tests should only test the “simple player”, not the “human player”.

Your unit tests must use the unit test framework.

A test suite must run in less than 5 seconds and contain 50 or fewer TEST() functions. One test suite is one _tests.cpp file.

To grade your unit tests, we use a set of intentionally buggy instructor solutions. You get points for catching the bugs.

  1. We compile and run your unit tests with a correct solution.
    • Tests that pass are valid.
    • Tests that fail are invalid, they falsely report a bug.
  2. We compile and run all of your valid tests against each buggy solution.
    • If any of your tests fail, you caught the bug.
    • You earn points for each bug that you catch.

Requirements and Restrictions

It is our goal for you to gain practice with good C++ code, classes, and polymorphism.

Modify .cpp files Modify .hpp files
Write helper functions in Card.cpp and Pack.cpp as non-member functions in the .cpp files and declare them static Modify .hpp files
Use these libraries: <iostream>, <fstream>, <cstdlib>, <cassert>, <cstring>, <string>, <array>, <vector>, <sstream>
Use the <algorithm> library, but only for the sort() function.
Use other libraries.

Use <algorithm> library for anything other than the sort() function.
#include a library to use its functions Assume that the compiler will find the library for you (some do, some don’t)
  #include an unnecessary .hpp file, such as #include Pack.hpp in either Card.cpp or in Player.cpp (This introduces undesirable dependencies, e.g. that the Card/Player ADTs require the Pack ADT to exist and be properly implemented.)
Use C++ strings Use C-strings other than when checking argv
Send all output to standard out (AKA stdout) by using cout Send any output to standard error (AKA stderr) by using cerr
const global variables Global or static variables
Pass large structs or classes by reference Pass large structs or classes by value
Pass by const reference when appropriate “I don’t think I’ll modify it …”
Variables on the stack Dynamic memory (new, malloc(), etc.) outside of the Player_factory.


The original project was written by Andrew DeOrio, Fall 2013. The project was modified to use C++ style object oriented programming and the specification updated by the Fall 2015 staff.